Monday, March 30, 2009

Mom's here!

Mom came to visit us for her birthday. We were lucky to get her here after all of Redoubt's eruptions! We were supposed to go to a steakhouse for her dinner, but ended up going to a seafood place. Today (Monday the 30th) we're getting massages and our nails did. And finally that steak dinner!James and Mom at the Kemah boardwalk.
We saw a lot of clam holes on the beach at Galveston. Next are a few pictures of our beachcoming finds on the beach.
A dead sting ray!
Tiny clams growing on an old flip flop.
James and his hermit crab.
Jelly fish.
A fish head stuck in the sand. Big teeth!
James and Mom beachcoming.
Me and Mom.

1 comment:

Sarah & Marty said...

Hey guys,
I was soo happy to see mom's pic there too. LOL!! Mom with a pepsi!! I've applied to many places including home depot and carrs as a cashier and many fast food places. Something to keep us afloat for the summer. We're looking for a place for the summer. We're both dedicated to not going home.