Thursday, July 28, 2011

Get Ready for Baby Times

Baby Girl and Grandma enjoying Sunday afternoon...
Clara loves jump-a-jump-a-jump time!
She looks like she's mid-air during blanket toss!
Baby Times laying on a gorgeous quilt made by Valerie, James' ex-co-worker.
Baby Girl wearing the kuspuk Amauq made her. Smiley smiley baby!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bats in Austin

So we spent a weekend in Austin recently to get away from the Houston area. We highly recommend the Hotel San Jose if you ever go. It's in the middle of a great neighborhood. Anyway, we took a walk down the street from our hotel in Austin to see the 1.5 million bats fly from under the bridge where they live. It was so hot out! It smelled like bat poop by the bridge and an officer directing traffic told us to stay on top the bridge...because "that ain't raindrops you're feeling" under the bridge. Ew. We stayed on top the bridge.Mom on the bridge.
Me watching the bats.
Clara watching the bats!
The bats!
James and Clara heading back to the hotel.

Dear Clara

We bought Clara a bla-tuk (hankerchief) and I came home one day at lunch to find Clara wearing it! So cute! She's ready to cut fish or pick berries.
Daddy and Clara sharing a laugh.
Check me out!
This is Clara wearing her leopard print from Auntie Jen.
Clara has funny ways of falling asleep on Daddy.
Clara having tummy time looking at her new toy.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Clara Clara Clara

Tired baby with Daddy.
Happy baby with the eyelashes.
Hanging with Jo Bo.
Silly baby on a smiley morning.
Trying on a headband...

Clara's first swim

On Thursday, June 30th, Clara had her first swim in the pool. She looked like she wanted to smile, while seeming very curious at the same time. We think she enjoyed it!

Our Native Baby

Grandma V. made Clara a kuspuk and added a fur ruff!
Clara in her kuspuk from her Amauk (Great Gram Ellen). My mom put in a zipper so we can put the kuspuk on Clara.

Clara and Ella

Ella was born 3 months before Clara, and is the daughter of our co-worker Anna and her husband, Jaume. Our girls will be little buddies! Going to ball games together, pool parties, and shopping! Ella and her parents came over for meatballs one night.The girls in their matching chairs.
The girls having a meeting.