Monday, July 27, 2009

Extra day in Anchorage

We got to stay an extra day in Anchorage, because James wouldn't fly on the plane we were originally scheduled for. We boarded, there was a fuel leak in the right engine so we got off, and James booked us for the next flight. He absolutely wasn't staying on that plane! I got to take pictures of my favorite fireweed flowers, as well as some fox tails, and dandylion fuzz.We also visited Mike and Dolly and their kids. Mike, Sage, and Charlee had just come back from fishing in Seward, so James helped put their fish away.

Sage had fun with the hose and watered his mom's pretty flowers.
And Isabelle was just tootest! We're her godparents, how cool is that! We feel so honored.

1 comment:

akfish said...

Isabelle has the best Godparents!! I'm glad that we got to see you both in Anchorage. Fun times!!