Friday, November 11, 2011

A-Y-U-U and Kiiriq came to visit!!!

We're SOOOO glad, thankful, and grateful Tera and Matt came down to visit with their girls! What a beautiful time together. We so enjoyed seeing all the girls interact together. Ayuu was so sweet with Clara, always wanting to squeeze her face and kiss her. We sure had fun playing pretend, building things out of recycling, and crafting goods with Ayuu. One night Matt took Ayuu out with glow sticks and slayed dragons with them. It was nice to play out at night again! I smiled to myself later when we all came back in for a break, and Matt got up and said something like this to Ayuu, "Let's get our shoes on, slay some dragons, and then come in and go to bed."

Kiiriq was so fun to watch especially since she was so close to crawling! We were hoping she'd crawl here first. Clara loved watching her cousins and listening to them. And when all the fun girls would go to sleep, Matt, Tera, James, and I hung out and laughed and talked. What good visiting!
Pretty Kiiriq and Tera.
Swimming girl! Ayuu, you need to come back so you can swim some more!
Tera and Ayuu baked some Halloween cupcakes. I'm sad they're all finished.
The gang trick-or-treating.
The girls with their dad's.
Ayuu was such a good trick-or-treater!
Silly girls at the dinner table.

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