Monday, April 4, 2011

37 weeks and 5 days

We've been so busy with the move into our new house! Finally, here's a belly pic. I feel pretty good other than having a huge belly that makes it hard to move around when I'm laying down or sitting. Thank goodness it's flip flop weather in Texas! My feet don't fit in most of my shoes and if I try to wear ones with buckles, I need help putting them on. I'm hoping the little girl comes this week sometime...I'll be 38 weeks on Tuesday!


Annette R. Erickson said...

You look so stunning and beautiful all pregnant Meryl. I can't believe you are so far along! :) Your mom and siblings will have such a blast, so much joy. Best blessings to you!

Esther said...

Beautiful Auntie Angel!! xoxo.

Harriette said... are a beautiful mom to be...Papa would be asking ALL the time if you got your baby yet. Love you tremendously!