Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Today was a good day

James here. Well, I guess its my turn - my first offical posting to the chips n pop blog. I voted today....early. I felt good about this. I don't know why, but I felt like i won a prize after I cast my ballot. Maybe its because I feel excited that G.W. is finally leaving office; maybe its because it seems possible that Obama just might pull this off; or maybe its because I got out of work early and got to spend more time with Meryl. Yeah...I think it is a combo of all three. Today's a good day -

1 comment:

Tera said...

You're a very good citizen. :) I like that you called soon after voting. Sure made Mattox feel special.

I'm jealous that my parents get to hang out with you guys this weekend. I really, really wish we were there too, even if it is Nascar. ;)

Love you guys!